Yes I agree with your 4 roots of problems and strife. However the biggest distinction between UK and US demonstrations is that here in the US of A we’ve got gun violence and police brutality. In the UK police and demonstrators went about their business and then sat down for tea or a pint together. In France helmeted riot police with shields, night sticks and firearms met peaceful demonstrators. Formed a solid line and then fired tear gas like cowards on peacefully assembled demonstrators before moving in throwing people to the ground. People wear slow to move with smarting eyes. With more than one thousand assembled, 3 to 5 threw rocks. Thus the media at every chance talks of violent demonstrators and cheery picks images to promote their narrative. This, to build public sentiments for government forces.
What’s remarkable is with such wealth disparity, patriarchy, and in justices, demonstrators are so peaceful on both sides of the Atlantic. Extinction Rebellion was not spontaneous-reactionary. They were six months in the planning and it showed. Well played!