The only way to increase mitigation and lessen the need for long-term adaptations is too increase the drawdown of CO2 from the atmosphere by photosynthesis. We changed the climate by changing the land from vegetated to impervious surfaces, compacted dirt, pavement and buildings. Expanding heat islands caused more rising thermals condensing air into thunderclouds with more rainfall that we rush to the sea with little infiltration into the ground.
After the Civil War the climate was changing as Americans cut down forests for reconstruction. In New York the loss of forests led to less water in the land and the navigatable water in the Erie Canal went down. Alarmed that NY's burgeoning economy was threatened, nearly 10,000 Sq miles of Adirondacks Forest was purchased from speculators and protected. Barge traffic was saved and climate stopped changing. Today the Mississippi flows too low for some transport by larger vessels. People curse the sky and Exxon-Mobile while the land barrons cash in. A couple of potted plants on the back steps drawsdown more CO2 than does swapping an internal combustion vehicle for an EV. But nobody gets rich selling plants because they don't break down or require up grades.