So true. My Mom when she was about 80 put her hand on my stomach and told me to do something about “that.” Like I hadn’t been doing much or was not concerned. She bought me membership to a “health club.” At the gym, I set to doing sit ups. I got to a high number and my belly crunched along with me as plump as ever.
Being fit enough to have an active life doing stuff is the key to happiness. At my physical, the doctor looks at my body mass index score compared to others my height and age class. He says I’m overweight and and getting closer the obese weight.
Like you, I think no big deal, I’m active, not sick, doing what I want and living the good life. Some fat helps one to be happy.
Eating right in moderation, as you say, is the way to go. (Drink water from a beer glass without the beer or seconds.)
I pay my own health club fees not for my belly but to be fit for the next fun activity.