11th Hour Bell Tolling for Climate Justice in Harvard Square

Rob Moir
2 min readDec 5, 2022

Wednesday January 11 at 6 pm, we’ll gather before First Parish Church at the monthly 11th Hour Calling. Now is the eleventh hour for climate action. It is also a time of hope and opportunity to tread more gently, emit less greenhouse gases, draw down and store more carbon, restore our water cycles, and care more for those already adversely affected by climate change, especially in the economically poorest neighborhoods.

With the US Senate passing the Climate/Inflation Bill, Beacon Hill passing clean energy legislation, and President Biden telling 197 nations that it makes no sense when governments are paying for climate change damages (storms and droughts) to also give out government contracts to corporations that do not have ambitious carbon emission reduction plans and are meeting benchmarks. This is significant both by example for all nations and because the US Gov spends $630 billion a year.

Corporations planting trees and buying carbon credits will not cut it. This game over for corporate greenwashing. If you want government contracts clean up your emissions as much as the best business practices are. The carbon-emissions train is leaving the station. Meanwhile, Australia and Canada are buying 4400 horsepower electric-battery locomotives built in Erie PA instead of diesel.

The Boston Area Brigade of Activist Musicians (BABAM) will strike up the music and play in front of First Parish Church. There will be signs to hold up to passing cars as we sing about climate justice and when the Earth comes marching home.



Rob Moir

Rob Moir is writing environmental nonfiction and writes for the Ocean River Institute and the Global Warming Solutions IE-PAC newsletter.